Monday, January 29, 2018

short story slam week 82

when you choose to write
you seek something orange
or bright
the decision is right.
we feel the urge to obtain guide
and sense the satisfaction of flame
world wide

my story is about me,
if you write, it is about you..
about how we pepper up our knowledge
and make life a challenge,
if there is stuff we can use
we obtain technology.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

short story slam week 81

amazing poets, they
from Edmond,
from Madison
from where your heart lives

story bears
roots deep
out of blues
the sun burns

Saturday, January 20, 2018

happy birthday to Thursday Poets Rally 1/14/2010 to 1/14/2018, in 9th year around poetics

Image result for Thursday poets rally 

jingle yan is good,
so does Trisha, amelia, abbey, and larry

Image result for ivanka trump

queen melania trump, princess ivanka trump, who looks better? who is smarter?

Image result for ivanka trump  prince and princess  jared kushner and ivanka trump, they have beautiful childen,

 Image result for Thursday poets rally   

Image result for donald trump jr. and his wife   donald trump jr. and vanessa trump, they have five offpsring,

Donald Trump III
Kai Madison Trump,  
Chloe Sophia Trump,  
Tristan Milos Trump,  
Spencer Frederick Trump

Image result for eric trump and his wife 

donald trump,  son eric trump and daughter-in-law,  lara lea trump

Eric and Lara Trump have 1child,

With right hand raised, Donald Trump looks at John Roberts with his back to the camera, as Melania Trump and others watch.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

poetry and story inn fridays week 11, thursday poets rally week 85

poetry and story inn fridays week 4, short story slam week 75, and halloween special 

happy holidays
enjoy a great poetry parade

audubon, camp, green, birch,
broadway, law, cowen, feret, 

state, nashvile, st. charles,
short, wilson, amelia, hampton

lazy dogs
barking cow

all yawn to sleep at George's stable
what a fun watch from Eskimo Joe

Image result for happy halloween 

Image result for happy halloween